Building Your Child's Foundation
Advocacy Retainer
Most new clients are unsure of the services they will need. To make the process easier, and avoid the pressure to choose, Cornerstone Educational Consulting onboards new clients with a retainer. New clients will pay an initial retainer fee of $150. Time used will be billed to the retainer payment at a rate of $80 per hour billed in 10 minute increments. Clients will receive a detailed invoice as time is used. Examples of services are below.
Returning clients will be billed for services rendered.
Beginning to End
IEP and 504 meetings can be anxiety-provoking events! There are acronyms, policies, and laws to navigate making it feel like a parent’s voice can get lost in the mix. At Cornerstone Educational Consulting, we are happy to help you advocate for your child during IEP meetings, 504 meetings, Manifestation Determination Reviews, and any other school-based meeting. Before your child’s meeting, we will discuss to what extent you feel comfortable being the voice for your child and to what extent you’d like to let us do the talking. Either way, you can go into the meeting assured that someone is on your side to help you help your child.
Parent Coaching
Empowering parents by teaching them about their child's educational rights gives parents an edge during the IEP/IAP process.
Topics for parent education sessions include, but are not limited to:
Initial and review evaluations
Evaluation waivers
IEPs and IAPs
Related services and assistive technology
Discipline of children with special needs, including suspensions
Manifestation determinations
Extended School Year Services (ESYS)
Compensatory services
Placement and setting considerations
IEP/504 IAP Review
A well-formulated IEP implemented with fidelity is the cornerstone of a successful educational experience.
If you aren’t sure if your child’s IEP or 504 IAP is as robust as it could be, submit it for review. Cornerstone Educational Consulting will review the documents, analyze for alignment with the evaluation, and make recommendations for strengthening the document and/or services provided to the student.